Monday, March 09, 2009

I am not "officially" old but getting close

Well, over the weekend the puppies decided to eat my glasses. :( I was due for a new exam anyway but was not planning on it now. So today I went in for my exam and my perscription did not change too much. I do not have to wear bi-focals so I am not "officially" old but he did suggest reading glasses of +1 if I find it is hard to read the computer or books. So I am only kinda old.


Stephanie said...

That's a new one for the books!! did the dogs actually swallow your glasses?? What a pain for ALL involved!

The DM Dad said...

They did not actually swallow them. The puppies decided that they made a great chew toy and tug of war toy. Still missing one lens but the one remaining is all scracthed and the frames, while old all ready, are pretty much toast.